The GNU Scientific Library (GSL) is a numerical library for C and C++ programmers. It is free software under the GNU General Public License. The library provides a wide range of mathematical routines such as random number generators, special functions and least-squares fitting. There are over 1000 functions in total with an extensive test suite. The complete range of subject areas covered by the library includes, Unlike the licenses of proprietary numerical libraries the license of GSL does not restrict scientific cooperation. It allows you to share your programs freely with others.
Complex Numbers Roots of Polynomials Special Functions Vectors and Matrices Permutations Sorting BLAS Support Linear Algebra Eigensystems Fast Fourier Transforms Quadrature Random Numbers Quasi-Random Sequences Random Distributions Statistics Histograms N-Tuples Monte Carlo Integration Simulated Annealing Differential Equations Interpolation Numerical Differentiation Chebyshev Approximation Series Acceleration Discrete Hankel Transforms Root-Finding Minimization Least-Squares Fitting Physical Constants IEEE Floating-Point Discrete Wavelet Transforms Basis splines
还有个GSL - GNU Scientific Library
Posted by Unknown at 1:43 AM 0 comments
python -i
<l5g> After I input some command such us define a function in the python shell, i want to dump them to a new py file, so i don't need to type more, the question is "Is there a method to do it(dump)"
[160327] <verte> l5g: no.
[160329] <jorrit> Why not use copy/paste to paste what you just typed into an editor?
[160350] <Alberth> l5g: there is trickery with the inspect module, but you better start by typing Python code in a file in the first place.
[160356] <joeyjones> mzz: want to take a look at my working code?
[160433] <l5g> I remember matlab can do it.
[160438] <joeyjones> actually, i need to make some tweaks
[160440] --> Joins: xav (
[160442] <Alberth> Python != Matlab
[160454] <_RedGhost_> ricree: I'd match the block between {% %} and replace with a the result of a callback, personally
[160533] <l5g> Alberth I just mean python can study from matlab :-)
[160545] <-- Quits: Stormhawk ( (Remote closed the connection)
[160551] <Alberth> l5g: not really, the application domain is different
[160601] <-- Quits: ab3 ( (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
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[160607] <mzz> joeyjones: why?
[160633] --> Joins: Stormhawk (
[160722] <sentix> 15g Another way is to write your code in one file and import it to the console `import MyFile` works well
[160724] <Alberth> l5g: matlab is for interactive exploring, python is for executing code
[160728] <joeyjones> mzz: i ahev the feeling i may have borked some other stuff in it :p
[160729] <joeyjones>
[160828] <l5g> sentix , yeah it's a good tip
[160854] <Alberth> l5g: just consider the interactive shell for quick and dirty experimenting, and use an editor for all other cases.
[160857] <sentix> 15g: One cautionary note, if the file imports other files... If I remember correctly, a re-import won't re-import those files
[160919] <bob2> l5g: go the other way
[160927] <bob2> l5g: write it in a file, then 'python -i'
[160929] --> Joins: huin (n=huin@>英国)
Posted by Unknown at 1:35 AM 0 comments
首先要了解py2exe的原理,可以参看 手动制作python的exe可执行程序 这个上面也有很多参考资料 , 其中 看上去不错,不过官方最近还没发布新版,老版已经不好用了, 并且py2.6 在windows上面现在
根据py2exe 官方的文档 可以显著的把程序变小
使用py2exe bundle_files 生成一个文件后,再用upx 也可以
Posted by Unknown at 4:52 AM 0 comments
SQLObject or SQLAlchemy
Which ORM is better? Maybe there is no best one, just fittest one. :-)
Posted by Unknown at 7:20 PM 0 comments
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