<l5g> After I input some command such us define a function in the python shell, i want to dump them to a new py file, so i don't need to type more, the question is "Is there a method to do it(dump)"
[160327] <verte> l5g: no.
[160329] <jorrit> Why not use copy/paste to paste what you just typed into an editor?
[160350] <Alberth> l5g: there is trickery with the inspect module, but you better start by typing Python code in a file in the first place.
[160356] <joeyjones> mzz: want to take a look at my working code?
[160433] <l5g> I remember matlab can do it.
[160438] <joeyjones> actually, i need to make some tweaks
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[160442] <Alberth> Python != Matlab
[160454] <_RedGhost_> ricree: I'd match the block between {% %} and replace with a the result of a callback, personally
[160533] <l5g> Alberth I just mean python can study from matlab :-)
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[160551] <Alberth> l5g: not really, the application domain is different
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[160607] <mzz> joeyjones: why?
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[160722] <sentix> 15g Another way is to write your code in one file and import it to the console `import MyFile` works well
[160724] <Alberth> l5g: matlab is for interactive exploring, python is for executing code
[160728] <joeyjones> mzz: i ahev the feeling i may have borked some other stuff in it :p
[160729] <joeyjones> http://pastebin.ca/1623506
[160828] <l5g> sentix , yeah it's a good tip
[160854] <Alberth> l5g: just consider the interactive shell for quick and dirty experimenting, and use an editor for all other cases.
[160857] <sentix> 15g: One cautionary note, if the file imports other files... If I remember correctly, a re-import won't re-import those files
[160919] <bob2> l5g: go the other way
[160927] <bob2> l5g: write it in a file, then 'python -i x.py'
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